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If I Laugh

So if you want peace, and understanding,
You're not going to find it in bottle or in a vain in your arm.
Not to preach, but don't be stupid,
Just get yourself together before you whine about what's wrong.

So if I laugh, it's not because I don't care,
I'm losing sight and so don't let me hear you say that
when I laugh, it's just to make you feel worse then me,
I've given up on that,
I won't go back...from where I came.

Apparently I changed, when I grew up, not apart from you,
I remember saying 'what we love isn't what is the truth'.
You're lost in peace now, fighting for what to be,
Just don't forget about love when you forget about me.

Now it's the past, that scares me more then I'll ever let you see.
Being young and weak isn't where I want to be.
I hide from and seek the truth, yes, but not my friends.
So immature I am, but I'll never be that young again.

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