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One More Year

Sitting dockside in the campfire glow,
Wondering where all the good people go
There’s so much time to kill, this little thrill,
So much skin to show

You know I see you in the boat light glare
Tawny skin and your half-bleached hair
Your smile breaks as you turn around...
And the water kisses your hips...
Oh, the water kisses your hips

Why do we have to turn this page?
It’s clearly being read from somewhere else anyway
This time I’m sure the sky will clear
Couldn’t we just stay here... for one more year.

Vibrant glow broken by a father’s glare
A satellite dish in desperate need of repair
Broken moods and stolen joy from our midst

Reset our Monday now to Sunday morn
Our failed, fallen nights forget what Friday’s for
The future is clearly what we’re not ready for
As we laugh at the ...grasp for more?


Even the worst nights feel a little better
Hiding from bugs inside a green wool sweater
While candles melt from artificial heat
Outside air makes a quiet talk sweet

Sitting dockside in the campfire glow,
Wondering where all the good people go
Your smile breaks as you turn around…
And the water kisses your hips


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