Matt Osborne

Matt's Marvellous Method for Guitar

Yes!! Matt's Marvelous Method for Guitar is now shipping!

The cost of the method is $40 CAD. For information on getting your copy of the Method, please contact Arun Pal by emailing him at

All profits will go to the Matt Osborne Musicians Trust Fund.

Matt's Marvelous Method for Guitar is a distillation of all the stuff Matt was trying to teach everyone that he ever saw holding a guitar. Its goal is to make you completely self-sufficient, by giving you the tools you need to figure out what your ears are hearing. The book is 60 pages, semi-soft cover, 8 1/2 x 11", spiral bound and three-hole-punched for that "snap straight into your binder" feeling. There are 5 CDs (in vinyl sleeves bound right in the book) with approximately six hours of Matt playing, singing, and cajoling you on your way to rock super stardom.

Check out a preview of the book in PDF (Acrobat) format now!

Huge thanks to Kimberly Fair (Matt's Ladyfriend) and Karen Fair (former Matt's Marvelous Method Manager and sister extraordinaire) for their incredible efforts in making sure this amazing Method did indeed see the light of day.


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The Matt Osborne Trust Fund logo was designed and used by kind permission of Rik Emmett.

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