Sponsor Thank You's for The KW Matt Osborne Memorial Show
1. Sherwood Systems, 124 Ottawa St.South, Kitchener - They were so supportive and donated a huge, complete system that made the room sound great. All those that played were truly grateful for the incredible sound as were all those that listened. We can't thank you enough for your generousity.
2. Sherwood Music, 124 Ottawa St. South, Kitchener - They provided the complete backline (drums, amps, keyboard) for the memorial event. It was a tremendous help having this gear as it allowed the performers to essentially just show up with their guitars.
3. The City of Kitchener - As mentioned before the city donated the Victoria Park Pavilion. For all those that attended the memorial I'm sure you can all appreciate how special it was for us to share and pay tribute to Matt's memory in that wonderful space. It was also that last place that Matt performed in that was video taped.
4. Pepi's Pizza, 87 Water St. North, Kitchener - A huge thanks to Rhonda for basically feeding hundreds of people and giving us the pizza for next to nothing. All in all they provided around 25 large pizza's for about a third of the regular cost. Matt had frequented this Pepi's location over the last 10 years or so and had sometimes popped in and played a few tunes in the wee hours for a slice of Pizza. Your support was appreciated by Matt's friends and family.
5. Tim Hortons, 607 King St W, 730 King St W, 638 Belmount W all in Kitchener - Thanks so much to Greg, Graham and Tracy. They were kind enough to donate enough tea and coffee for over 300 people. Lots of musicians need their coffee.
6. Nougat Bakery and Delicatessen, 600 Queen South, Kitchener - Thanks to Ewelina for providing us with 50 gourmet sandwiches for about a quarter of the normal cost. They tasted great and your support was really appreciated.
7. China Garden, 31 University Ave. East, Waterloo - Thanks to Michael for helping out by supplying about 100 spring rolls and about 100 wings at cost. It was another contribution that we are truly grateful for.
8. Mr and Mrs. Pal, way up north - Thanks to Arun's parents for bringing 300 mini samosas. They being the generous people that they are mentioned they'd pick up a little order to help out. As you can see it was more than a little order and it of course helped. Thanks so much for this.
9. The Chequenuat Festival for giving a generous donation towards the Trust Fund.