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A wish,
A dream,
a star falling
as the gravel slips away
From the rocking
and twisting
empty, life-giving,
this forgotten day
It's a choice that's free,
a path that leads
to the decision of a life
Time is slipping,
while the most is making,
more of time.

Choosing choice,
forget that greed
is the cancer of the earth,
While numbing pain
and passing trains
paint shadows on the surf,
I hope to look above one day,
why is the sky blue?
I wish for things that I'll never see,
that includes you

I'm wishing

I face,
an inmate's view,
at the window of a store,
Watching peace on earth,
loving commerce
and fake presents on the floor,
Don't pretend that love is blind.
It's a hunter's evil glare,
That led me down to this horse-like gift,
while I was unaware,

So a mother,
and father,
would generally
care for me,
but you care for you
I understand but,
why wouldn't you close my eyes for me
before I ever knew,
And I look
a star,
that falls,
maybe it'll bring my dreams to earth,
or plough
a way,
through the apathy,
of this silent birth

I'm Wishing

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